Stand Public Relation (Humas)

Stand Public Relation (Humas) 1

Stand Public Relation (Humas) 2

Stand Public Relation (Humas) 3

Stand Territory Secretariat (Sekretariat Daerah)

Stand Watch Out Agency (Badan Pengawas)

Stand Development Territory Agency (Bappeda)

Stand Environment Agency (Badan Lingkungan Hidup)

Stand Public Work Instance (Dinas P.U.)

Stand Education Instance (Dinas Pendidikan)

Stand Income Territory Instance (Dispenda)

Stand Culture & Tourism Instance (Disbudpar)

Stand Inhabitant & Civil Administration Instance (Dinas Kependudukan & Catatan Sipil)

Stand Natural Resources Instance (SDA)

Tanjungpinang City Achieve Adipura Award 2009

Adipura is an appreciation for the City of Indonesia that caretaker by The State Ministry Of Environment. Adipura rewarded for the clean city which success organizing their environment.

Saturday June 06, 2009 about 11.40 WIB the plane which take along Tanjungpinang’s Mayor and her group arrived safely into R.H. Fisabilillah Airport of Tanjungpinang. They brought also Adipura Award, the city and people proud.

The arrival of Adipura award were welcome by communities and instances of local government that waited since morning at 10.00 WIB in R.H. Fisabilillah Airport. And also by the students along the street into Dragon Boat Plaza (Ocean Corner Plaza). The reward carried with pick up that guarded by Paskibraka and Bujang – Dara of Tanjungpinang City with accompany by people and official vehicles.

There among the vehicles are Bunga Manggar pick up and Kompang’s (tradisional instrument) from Local Environment Corporation (BLH) and trash tucks carried the Yellow community of Cleaning Services, Gardening and Funeral Instance of Tanjungpinang City.